Revealing the Complexities of Coaching Mathematics
In the world of education, instructional coaching has emerged as a powerful and dynamic approach to enhance teaching and learning. Join us for a captivating session where we embark on a journey to explore the intricacies and subtleties of coaching mathematics. We delve into what coaches need to know about mathematics content, teaching practices, and coaching strategies uncovering unique opportunities and challenges that may differ from coaching in other subjects or disciplines. This session aims to shed light on establishing goals for mathematics instruction, implementing effective teaching practices for mathematics, and leveraging strategies that support the coaching of mathematics teaching.
See session materials from previous years below
Learning, Leading, and Leveraging Opportunities Throughout Your Career
Tuesday, March 14, 2023 @ 12:45 PM
UTedchats on Leadership
What does it mean to be a leader in education? How do early career teachers, experienced teachers, coaches, specialists, and administrators continue to learn, lead, and leverage opportunities throughout each stage of their career? Drawing upon my own experiences as a classroom teacher, teacher leader, instructional coach, district-level specialist, state-level specialist, and university instructor, I will tell stories of ways I have engaged in learning, leading, and leveraging opportunities at the local, state, and national levels in an ever evolving educational system. I will share tips on selecting opportunities, creating space for continual personal and professional growth, and building capacity in yourself and others. Topics to be addressed include attending conferences, presenting at conferences, volunteering, participating in professional learning, serving on boards, serving on committees, applying for awards, nominating others for awards, navigating social media and mailing lists, and more!
Innovating with Evidence-based
Practices in Mathematics
Wednesday, March 15, 2023 @ 12:45 PM
UTedchats from ULEAD
There are so many ways teachers can innovate in teaching mathematics. Innovation in mathematics is most impactful for students when grounded in evidence-based practices. Do you know about the resources at the national level and in Utah that can help you plan for more engaging math lessons? Come learn about evidence-based practices and frameworks related to content, pedagogy, and leadership in K-12 mathematics.